Reading List 2012 — To Date

Gopi Vikranth
5 min readSep 2, 2017

Moving this finally to medium from blogger. just for my reference!

2023 Reading list

Read/ Completed

  1. The Interdependency Trilogy — John Scalzi -fast/fun series
  2. The influence of Sea Power — Alfred T Mahan
  3. Elements of Sea power — Alfred T Mahan
  4. Guns of August (WW1)
  5. Hitchhikers guide to galaxy -refresh
  6. The God is not willing (Good)
  7. The Lost metal — Sanderson (sanderson delivers)
  8. Men Machines and Modern times -Elting Morison
  9. Fallen Dragon — Peter Hamilton -Ok ish — interesting premise
  10. Starfishers Trilogy — Glen Cook -book 1 -pass
  11. The girl and the stars (Mark Lawrence -Meh -pass)
  12. The storm before the storm — Mike duncan roman empire
  13. The Final Architecture 1,2
  14. Masters of Doom- How Two Guys Created an Empire and Transformed Pop Culture
  15. The Prince (reread)
  16. Crossing the Chasm
  17. The order of Time
  18. Iron druid (1–3) -Decent
  19. Great Expectations -Charles dickens
  20. Walt Disney — bio
  21. Benjamin Franklin -Bio
  22. Billion Dollar whale
  23. Conspiracy
  24. Barbarians at the gate
  25. American Kingpin
  26. Smartest guys in the room
  27. Liars Poker
  28. Too big to Fail
  29. The storm of Steel (WW1)
  30. The First World War -John Keegan
  31. Winston Churchill — John Keegan
  32. The Second world war -John Keegan
  33. Intelligence in War -John Keegan
  34. American Civil war -John Keegan
  35. My Life in advertising
  36. The big short (reread)
  37. The wise Men
  38. Guns Germs and Steel
  39. Going Infinite
  40. Elon Musk (Issacson)
  41. The coming wave
  42. Failure is not an option
  43. On war
  44. Suicide of the west
  45. Innovators dilemma (Re read)
  46. Destined for war
  47. Danger Zone
  48. Chip war
  49. Only the paranoid survive (re read)
  50. Failure is not an option (Gene Kranz)

2022 Reading list

Read/ Completed

  1. Witcher (4,5)
  2. Tales of Jedi (1,2)
  3. The Lost Fleet series (Jack Campbell)
  4. Illiad (Homer)
  5. The Audacity of Hope
  6. A promised land
  7. Andrew Roberts: Napoleon A life
  8. Churchill — Bio
  9. Second world war -churchill
  10. Tools of titans
  11. Leonardo da Vinci
  12. Feynman Lectures
  13. Surely you are joking Mr. Feynmann
  14. Relativity — Einstein
  15. Team of Rivals
  16. Tomorrow the world — the birth of US global supremacy
  17. Amp it up
  18. Lee kaun yew
  19. Bismarck
  20. Alexander the great
  21. Kill Chain
  22. Titan
  23. The Machiavellians
  24. Build
  25. The black swan
  26. Thomas Jefferson
  27. The innovators dilemma (reread)
  28. Cytonic
  29. Harry potter (re read)
  30. Reminiscence of a stock operator
  31. The count of Monte cristo
  32. The Network state
  33. The power Broker
  34. Beyond good and evil
  35. Tales of greek heroes
  36. My Life and work: Ford
  37. The Medici
  38. Reprogramming the American dream
  39. Kissinger
  40. Rise and Fall of Third Reich
  41. Sea of Poppies
  42. Becoming Trader Joe
  43. Waking fire (draconis memorias #1 — Meh..)
  44. The god engines -John Scalzi
  45. The powder mage trilogy — Brian McClellan
  46. Raven Shadow Trilogy

2021 Reading list

Read/ Completed

  1. Our mathematical universe
  2. Airbnb story
  3. Thinking in bets
  4. Amazon unbound
  5. Working backwards
  6. Bob iger: ride of a life time
  7. Creative selection
  8. Origin of species- Charles Darwin
  9. The firm: story of McKinsey
  10. MindF*ck — Cambridge analytica and the plot to break america
  11. Black fleet trilogy- Joshua Dalzelle (ok ish)
  12. Furies of Calderon (book 1–6, it’s okish)
  13. Dune — Frank Herbert
  14. Nine princes in amber
  15. Guns of Avalon
  16. Psychology of money — Morgan housel
  17. Artemis — Andy Weir
  18. Extreme ownership
  19. The ascent of money — Neil Ferguson
  20. Wizard: Tesla
  21. The master switch
  22. Zero to one (reread)
  23. A mind at play
  24. Energy and civilization
  25. Red flags
  26. Profiles in courage
  27. The psychology of money
  28. Project Hail Mary
  29. Super pumped: battle for Uber
  30. Negotiation genius (refresh)
  31. The unlikely spy
  32. Daniel Silva — Gabriel Allon (1–3) — MC is tragic so stopping at 3
  33. Neuromancer
  34. 21 lessons for 21st century/ Sapiens/Homo deus
  35. Warren buffet: snowball
  36. Expanse 09- Leviathan Falls
  37. Einstein: Life and Universe
  38. Witcher Series (1–3)
  39. Great by Choice
  40. Skunk Works
  41. Thinking Fast and Slow (re read)
  42. Great mental models vol 2
  43. John Scalzi -Old Mans War series (1–3)
  44. Trillions
  45. The revolt of the public: Martin Gurri
  46. Endurance: Shackleton

2020 Reading list

Read/ Completed

  1. Expanse 06: Babylons ashes
  2. Expanse 07: Tiamat wrath
  3. The sovereign individual — reread
  4. The design of everyday things
  5. Skyward
  6. That Will never work: Netflix story
  7. Rocannon’s world
  8. Gardens of the moon (MBOTF#1 Malazan Book of the fallen#1 reread)
  9. Deadhouse Gates (MBOTF#2)
  10. Memories of Ice (MBOTF #3)
  11. House of Chains (MBOTF #4)
  12. Midnight Tides (MBOTF #5)
  13. The Bonehunters (MBOTF #6)
  14. Reapers Gale (MBOTF #7)
  15. Toll the hounds (MBOTF #8)
  16. Dust of Dreams (MBOTF #9)
  17. The crippled god (MBOTF #10)
  18. Surface Detail
  19. No Rules Rules (NFLX)
  20. Super Intelligence
  21. Sons of the Oak (Runelords #5)
  22. WorldBinder (Runelords #6)
  23. Wyrmling Horde (Runelords #7)
  24. History of US in 5 market crashes
  25. Rhythm of War (Sanderson)

2019 Reading list

Read/ Completed

  1. New Spring (Wheel of Time WOT #00)
  2. The Eye of the world (WOT #1)
  3. The Great Hunt (WOT #2)
  4. The Dragon Reborn (WOT #3)
  5. The shadow rising (WoT #4)
  6. Fires of Heaven (WOT #5)
  7. Army of None
  8. How the internet Happened
  9. AI superpowers
  10. Kellenved’s reach (path of ascendancy #3)
  11. Genghis Khan
  12. Bad Blood
  13. Cryptonomicon
  14. The Warrior Prophet
  15. The Thousandfold Thought
  16. Secrets of Sand Hill Road
  17. Sam Walton: Made in America
  18. Matter — Ian Banks
  19. Mental Models
  20. The Prophet
  21. Dealers of lightning (Xerox Parc)
  22. Flatland -reread
  23. The expanse 04: Cibola burn
  24. Three body problem #1
  25. Dark forest: Three body #2
  26. Deaths end: Three body #3
  27. Business Adventures: Twelve Classic tales from the world of wall street
  28. Where the wizards stay up late: The origins of internet
  29. Hit Refresh
  30. Expanse 05: Nemesis games
  31. Business Adventures: 12 classic tales from wall st
  32. Getting Naked: A Business Fable

2018 Reading list

Read/ Completed

  1. Foundation
  2. Foundation and Empire
  3. Second Foundation
  4. Foundation Edge
  5. The Black Company
  6. Dancers lament: Path to ascendancy book 1
  7. Deadhouse landing: Path to ascendancy book 2
  8. Prince of Thorns (Broken Empire #1)
  9. King of Thorns (Broken Empire #2)
  10. Emperor of Thorns (Broken Empire #3)
  11. Life 3.0
  12. Business @ speed of thought
  13. Meditations (by Marcus Aurelius — Re read)
  14. Illidan — world of Warcraft
  15. The everything store : Jeff Bezos and age of amazon
  16. Antifragile
  17. The rational optimist — how prosperity evolves
  18. The bitcoin standard
  19. Onward: Howard Schultz
  20. Measure what matters — John Doerr
  21. In the plex: Google
  22. How google works
  23. Elantris
  24. Arcanum unbounded: cosmere.collection
  25. Blitzscaling
  26. Seven Eves

2017 Reading list

  • Read-completed
  1. Norse Mythology — Neil Gamon
  2. State of the art — Ian banks
  3. Shoe dog — Phil knight
  4. Platform revolution
  5. Meditations — Marcus Aurelius
  6. The rise of superman
  7. The Sovereign Individual
  8. The twilight of Sovereignty
  9. Competing against luck
  10. Forward the foundation
  11. OathBringer
  12. Principles- Life and work by Ray Dalio

2016 Reading list

  • Read
  1. The Innovators How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution
  2. Mistborn: Secret history
  3. Bands of mourning
  4. Book of five rings
  5. Technological revolutions and financial capital -Carlota Perez
  6. Steve jobs — re read
  7. The Silmarillion
  8. Player of games
  9. prelude to foundation
  10. Use of weapons
  11. Creativity Inc.
  12. Fall of light
  13. High Output management
  14. Inferno

2015 reading list

  • Read
  1. The hard thing about hard things
  2. Becoming Steve jobs
  3. Elon musk
  4. Once lucky twice good
  5. Only the paranoid survive
  6. Return to the little kingdom
  7. Good to great
  8. Negotiation genius
  9. Shadows of self — mistborn
  10. Kiss your Butt goodbye
  11. Boom

2014 reading list


1. How to create a mind

2. Words of radiance

3. Immortals of Meluha

4. Secret of the nagas

5. Oath of vayuputhras

6. Einstein ( issacson)

7. Flash boys

8. A more beautiful question

9. Willful child

10. The innovators dilema

11. Zero to one

12. Ray Dalio — principles

13. Start up nation

2013 Reading List

  1. Steve Jobs
  2. The Last man (Vince flynn)
  3. Forge of darkness (Steven Erikson, Karkhanas trilogy book 1)
  4. Atlas Shrugged (Re read)
  5. Magicians End
  6. Way of kings
  7. consider phelbas
  8. Steelheart
  9. Excession
  10. Start with Why
  11. Signal and the Noise

2012 Reading list

2012 Reading List (completed books)

  1. The Big Short
  2. Boomerang
  3. freakonomics
  4. The name of the wind
  5. Wise Man’s Fear
  6. A crown imperiled
  7. Mist Born: Final Empire
  8. Mist Born 2: Well of ascension
  9. MistBorn 3: The hero of ages
  10. Kill Shot (Vince Flynn)
  11. MistBorn 4: The alloy of law
  12. Super Freaknomics

