Reading List 2021
1 min readMay 7, 2021
- Our mathematical universe
- Airbnb story
- Thinking in bets
- Amazon unbound
- Working backwards
- Bob iger: ride of a life time
- Creative selection
- Origin of species- Charles Darwin
- The firm: story of McKinsey
- Black fleet trilogy- Joshua Dalzelle (ok ish)
- Furies of Calderon (book 1–6, it’s okish)
- MindF*ck — Cambridge analytica and the plot to break america
- Dune — Frank Herbert
- Nine princes in amber
- Guns of Avalon
- Psychology of money — Morgan housel
- Artemis — Andy Weir
- Extreme ownership
- The ascent of money — Neil Ferguson
- Wizard: Tesla
- The master switch
- Zero to one (reread)
- A mind at play
- Energy and civilization
- Red flags
- Profiles in courage
- The psychology of money
- Project Hail Mary
- Super pumped: battle for Uber
- Negotiation genius (refresh)
- The unlikely spy
- Daniel Silva — Gabriel Allon (1–3) — MC is tragic so stopping at 3
- Neuromancer
- 21 lessons for 21st century/ Sapiens/Homo deus
- Warren buffet: snowball
- Expanse 09- Leviathan Falls
- Einstein: Life and Universe
- Witcher Series (1–3)
- Great by Choice
- Skunk Works
- Thinking Fast and Slow (re read)
- Great mental models vol 2
- John Scalzi -Old Mans War series (1–3)
- Trillions
- The revolt of the public: Martin Gurri
- Endurance: Shackleton