Reading List 2024

Gopi Vikranth
1 min readJan 14, 2024

Currently reading

  1. The Decline and Fall of Roman Empire
  2. The Reality Dysfunction -Nights Dawn book 1, Peter Hamilton
  3. Escaping the build trap

Non Fiction list (WIP)

  1. The Big Picture On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself
  2. The Myth of american inequality
  3. Strategy a history
  4. Principles of navigating the big debt crises
  5. American Prometheus
  6. The creative Act
  7. Kingpin
  8. American Reboot
  9. Noise
  10. The weirdest people in the world

Fiction List (WIP):

  1. Ready Player 2
  2. Snow crash
  3. Fire and Blood
  4. Iron druid series (4–6)
  5. Sanderson 4 books to be released
  6. Red Rising — Pierce Brown
  7. The Great Gatsby
  8. Paradise lost
  9. The Forge of the High Mage

Parking lot

  1. The Dream machine
  2. Founders at work
  3. The great divergence
  4. Think Again — Adam Grant
  5. Geography of Peace
  6. Elements of style
  7. To infinity and beyond: The story of Pixar
  8. Tulip mania
  9. A history of global stock market Engines that move market
  10. High Growth Handbook
  11. Letters from a stoic -Seneca

